Please do not copy post it through any kind of group or
claim it as your own.You may link back to my blog.
It is written useing psp 9 but should work in any version.
It is written assueming you have a basic knowledge of psp
and its tools.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
You will need 5 tubes of choice.I am useing
the art work of Suzanne Woolcott.You must purchase a
license to use her work.You can purchase the tubes and license here
Please do not use her work if you do not have a license.
You will also need the scrap kit by
Designs by Marcie called "Down by the pond"
You can purchase it here
Please check out her blog Here
I used 2 fonts also
I used Copperplate Gothic Bold and a scripty font called Cherish.
ou will also need Eye Candy 4000 Gradient glow (Optional)
My screen shots are here for you to refer to.
Ok Ready?
1.Open the Mat racket and shift+D to duplicate.Close the original.Resize it by 25% once and then to 600 pixels by 600 pixels.Both times make sure all layers is checked.Now resize it again, this time uncheck all layers and resize it by 75%.
2. Go to image-free rotate- and rotate it to the right by 25.
3.Add a gradient glow useing the settings shown in ss1,and 2.If you dont have eye candy just use a drop shadow with the color white.
4.Now add a drop shadow of choice or the ones shown in ss3.
5.Open the frame window.Shift + D to duplicate and close the original.
Resize it by 35% and then again by 45%.
6.Rotate it to the left by 18.Copy and paste it onto your tag image above the mat layer.
7.Open 4 papers of choice and shift + d to duplicate each and close the originals.Resize each paper to 500 pixels.
8.Go back to your tag ans grab your magic wand and click inside one of the squares.Expand the selection by 5.
9.Add a new layer and drag it brnrsth your frame layer.Copy one of the papers and paste it into selection.Repeat this step until all four squares are filled with a paper.
10.Repeat step 9 with 4 of your tubes.First resize them as desired before you paste them.And invert the selection and hit delete on your keyboard.
11.Add the same drop shadow to each tube.
12.Once each square is filled with a paper and tube, select none and add the same drop shadow to the frame layer.Hide all layers except your frame and the paper layers and tube layers and merge visible.
13.Duplicate the merged layer twice and arrange them as desired.
Refer to my tag for placement if needed.
14.Position the mat and frame layer as desired.
15.Open the star doodle and shift + d to duplicate. and close the original.
Resize it by 25% once.Copy and paste it as a new layer. between the mat and frame.
16.Use the same gradient glow and drop shadow as before.
17.Open three flowers of chice and shift + d to duplicate each
close the originals.Resize each flower as desired.I started by resizeing them each by 25%. And then copied and pasted them as new layers on top of the frame layer.And then continued resizeing them till i was happy with them.
make each flower a different size..
18.Position each of the three flowers in the bottom left corner of the
frame.give each one a drop shadow.and position them as desired.
19.Duplicate each flower and position them in the top right corner of the mat.Resize each one by 85%.When your happy with the clusters merge down each flower into the two clusters to make it easier to move them.
20.Now open one of the frames and shift + d to duplicate and close the original.Resize it as desired.Copy and paste it on top of your frame layer.
21.Add the gradient glow and drop shadow as before.
22.Open another tube, resize it as desired.Copy and paste it as a new layer. Add the same gradient glow and shadow.Position the tube as desired.
23.Add your © now.
24.Grab your text tool and type your text.
I typed "I love you this much!"I used two fonts for it.
Get creative!I used a gradient glow on the word "Love"
And when I had the text like I wanted it I add the same gradient glow twice.
25.Useing a font of choice type your name and resize it so it fits inside your tag.Ise the same grad glow and a shadow of choice or just use
your favorite text effects.
26.Merge visible.Select all,selections float,selections defloat.
Now go to image and crop to selection to get rid of the canvas around your tag.
27.Save as a png and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!
I hope your happy with the results!
Hugs from Kel
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