Sunday, June 28, 2009

Red, White & Beautiful

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/23/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~font of choice
~Tube of choice,I used a Jessica Dougherty Tube you must purchase a license to use her art.
You can get one at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
America the Beautiful by Tootsie's Creationz and can be purchased here:
~And a mask of choice.I
used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 19. you can download it here:
its in the second set of masks.
1. open a new image 500x500. Flood fill it white.
2.Open a paper of choice. I used paper tc_40, now resize it to 500X500, copy and paste it onto your new image.
3.Load your mask , Merge group. Resize the mask layer X 85%
4.Duplicate mask,on original mask layer go blur~Gausian blur set at 50 on duplicated mask layer add a drop shadow with these settings -2,2,30,2, blk.
5.Now just add the elements of choice, resize them and add a drop shadow to each of them.
6.Add your tube and Copywright.
7.Make the original mask layer the active layer, copy and paste it as a new layer,take your crop tool and crop the new image so that only the very middle is there, for best results,make it about 150 pixels.8.Make your top layer the active layer. Grab your text tool, choose your font, and in your foreground box, make it pattern set to the image you just croped, it should be the first one in the drop down box. I set the angle to 45,but thats up to you. Set the stroke width to 2, and make the background color black. Type your quote, convert it to Raster layer.
9. Go to selections and select all, selections float and then defloat, now go to selections and modify your selection by contracting it by 2 (The stroke width).
10. add an inner bevel of choice, select add a drop shadow, my settings were:-2,2,30,2, black then repeat it only changing it to 2-,2,30,2, black.
11. grab your text tool again, make your foreground color null, keep the background black, type your name, convert toa raster layer, position it as desired, and lastly go o effects, 3-D effects, buttonize wth the default settings. I resized all layers X 75%.
Save it as a JPEG.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

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