Sunday, June 28, 2009

Heart 2 Heart

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/24/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using the art of Michael Landefeld
You can purchase this tube at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
~And a mask of choice.I used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 1. you can download it here:
Its in the first download, of course lol
1.Open a new image 600x600. Flood fill it white.
2.Open one of your papers and resize it to 600x600. Copy and pase it as a new layer.
3.Load your mask.Merge group and then resize the mask layer X75%
4.Open the pink flowers and resize hem by 75%, copy and paste them as a new layer, resize again if needed.add a drop shdow of choice, position in the lower right corner, duplicate it and go image mirror andthen image flip, so its in the upper left corner.
5.Paste your tube as a new layer and resize it as desiredAdd a light drop shadow of choice.
6.Add the elements of choice, resize and position as desired.add a drop shadow to each of them.
7.Add your Copywright and your watermark.
8.Make your tube layer active, go to effects, plugins, eyecandy, grad glow and add a small white glow to your tube.
9.Grab your text tool, and your chosen font, I used Times new romance, size 60. stroke width 2. Make your foeground color a darkone , that matches your tag, and make the background color a lighter shade of the foreground color.Tpe your text,then convert to raster.
10.Select all, selections float, selections defloat, then modify selections, and contract by whatever your stroke width was.apply an inner bevel or eye candy glass. Select none. Add the same light drop shadow, that you used for your tube.
11.Now add the same grad glow as before.
12.Resize X75%, All layers Checked.Crop away any excess canvas from around your tag. Hide the bottom white layer and save as a png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

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