This tutorial was written on 06/05/2013, By Kelli.
Please don't copy it or claim it as your own or post it through any group.
You may link back to my blog.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of psp and its tools.
It is written using psp X5 but should work in any other version.
You will need a tube of choice.I am using Sweet Summer Breeze,by Zlata_M.
You must have a liscence to use her tubes.
You can purchase the tube and license here
You will need the scrap kit by Redefined Designs
Called Summer Breeze.
You can purchase it here
You can check out her blog Here
Ok Ready?
1.Open the life preserver image from the elements folder,shift + d to duplicate and close the original.
Resize it by 65%, all layers unchecked.
Add a drop shadow with these settings:
2.Open a a paper pf choice. Shift +D to duplicate then close the original.
Resize it to 500x500 pixels.Copy it.
3.Back on the life preserver inside it, with the magic wand. you may
have to click inside it a few times to get all of the inside selected. Then go to selctions,
modify expand by 5.
4.Now add a new raster layer and drag it below the life preserver layer.Paste the paper into the selection.
Select none.
the water image, Resize it by 65%.Copy and paste it as a new layer.Drag it to the bottom layer.
Resize it again, if desired.Sharpen and add a drop shadow if desired. I used the same drop shadow throughout.
Duplicate it and position the layers to however you like them.Merge all the water layers together
6.Repeat above step with the sand image..
7.Now repeat with the cloud layer.
Duplicate it as many times as you like and then merge all the cloud layers together.
8. Add a new layer and arrange it to the bottom of your canvas. Now go to image, resize canvas and make your canvas bigger.I made mine 750 x 750 pixels.Don't worry we will crop out the excess canvas, but this way we wont be cutting off any of the elements were adding.
9.Open the umbrella.Copy and paste it as a new layer. Resize it by 65%. Then again by 85%.
Add a drop shadow and position it as desired.
10.Open one of the signs.Copy and paste it as a new layer.
and add the same drop shadow.
11.Add more elements now if you would like.
Be sure to resize them and add the drop shadow. Sharpen if needed.
12.Copy and paste the grass as a new layer. Resize it as desired and add the drop shadow.
Duplicate it and position the layers at the bases of the umbrella and the sign.
13.Open your tube. copy and paste it. Resize it to a good size.
Sharpen it and add your drop shadow now.
Now Place it in front of the life preserver.
14.Duplicate the life preserver and sandwich the tube in the middle of the preserver layers.
15. Use your eraser tool and erase the part of the top preserver layer so that her face is showing.
Do the same thing to the tube layer so that none of it peeks from the bottom of the preservers.
(You can also do this with only one "frame layer"
And your selection tool. But It looked like my tube layer had been cut in two. So I opted for the eraser tool instead)
16. Add your © now.
and your water mark if desired.
17. Now is the time to arrange the tag as you would like. Duplicate the layers you would like more of
resize some of them.
After its arranged to please you merge visible.
18. select all selections float and then defloat.
Go to image and crop to selection.
Then resize the image to the size you like.
18. Add your name in your choice of fonts. I used Oogie Boogie.
You can download it here.
And now your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!
I hope ur happy with your results!
Hugs from Kelli
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