Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let it snow

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/28/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Wench Designs Called :
Xmas In July
it Can be purchased here:

you can check out her bog here:
~Font of choice
~a tube of choice, I am using a christmas fairy by Marjolene Gulinski.
You need a license to use her tubes you can get one at mpt.
~And Babes Template #21 which you can download here:


1. Open template by babe.
Delete copywright layer
grab your crop tool and crop away the excess canvas.

2.make layer 1 the active layer select all, selections float
selections defloat .
open a paper of choice, copy and close the paper,
go back to the tag you are working on and paste into selection.

3.Make layer 2 the active layer and repeat the steps from above.
leave layer 3 alone

4.make layer 4 the active layer, go to adjust colorize and colorize the
snowflakes to your desired color
my settings were:
Hue:164 and Saturation:161.

5.Duplicate the snowflakes layer twice, apply
dbs flux bright noise setting at 46.
apply it once to the first layer
twice to the second snowflake layer
and three times to the third snowflake layer.

now sharpen each snowflake layer by going to adjust

6.now make your background layer active,
select all selections float selections deflfloat, selections
modify and contract by 10
selections invert.
add a new layer and move it to the top.
now flood fill with color pattern or grad of choice. Select none.

7.Add youe elemens of choice and add a drop shadow to each of them.
add your tube and add the same drop shadow.

8.type your greeting and add your favorite text effects.
dont forget your copwright.
now add your name and your text effects again.

9.Now its time to animate it.
Hide the second and third snowflake layers and copy merged,
Paste in animation shop as a new animation.
Go back to psp, hide the middle snowflake layer and unhide the bottom
snowflake layer, coy merged again and go back to animation shop and paste
after current frame.
Go back to psp and hide the middle snowflake layer and unhide the top snowflake
layer copy merged, go back to animation shop and paste after current frame.

10.Now view animation and save.

Thanks for trying my tut!
Hugs from Kel

Dreaming of a white christmas

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/28/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Honored Scraps
Called Under the Mistletoe Can be purchased here:
you can check out her bog here:
~Font of choice
~3 tubes of choice, I am using posers by Sly.
~And These two masks:
these two masks were shared with me, if they are yours and you would like me to take them down please email me and I will take them down.

1. Open a new image 600x600 ~transparent.Open a paper of choice, copy.you can close the paper now. Go back o your new image, select all and paste into selection.
Select none, Apply Gabee mask,
Resize the mask layer by 85%

2.Repeat step 1 with the other mask.Position the smaller mask at the top of the larger mask and move it to the top(see my tag for refeence)Sharpen the top mask once and add a drop shadow or grad glow of choice.

3.Open one of the frames,paste onto your tag,resize it so that it fits nicely at the bottom of your tag, duplicate t twice, arrange the three frames as desired.Merge the three frames togther nd with your magic wand, click nsid each of the frames,
expand the selection x 2.

4.Paste a paper of choice as a new layer and drag it below your frame layer, inver your seletion and hit delete on your keyboard. selections select none. paste your tubes a new layers below the frame layers and above the paper layer. Add your copywright and watermark now.

5.Add your elemens of choice, Play arund with them, by duplicating them and resizing, and mirroring them.Add a drop shadow to each element.

6.Add your name along with your favorite text effects.

7.If you added a white background delete it before saving it as png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/21/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Urban Mermaid Designs
Krafty Christmas Can be purchaed here:
you can check out her bog here
~Font of choice,
~A word art from the kit, or one of your choice,
or your favorite quote.
~And a christmas mask of choice

1. Open a new image 600x600 ~transparent.Open a paper of choice, copy.you can close the paper now. Go back o your new image, select all and paste into selection.
Select none, Apply your mask of choice, (A round works best)Merge group.
Resize the mask layer by 85%

2.Open the button frame resize it and copy and paste it onto your tag.

3.When it is sized as you would like, Duplicate it twice,
position the three frames as desired.Merge the three frame layers.
Open a paper of choice, copy and close the paper,

4.Go back to your tag and grab your magic wand, Click inside your
frames, you may have to click several times to get all three
frames selected. Expand your selection by 5.
Add a new layer, below the frames layer and paste into selection.

5.Select none and add a drop shadow of choice to the frame layer.

6.Add the elements of choice, resizing them and adding a drop shadow to each of them.

7.Add your word art or quote of choice, add a drop shadow of choice.

8.Type your name and add the text effects of choice.

9.Add your copywright and watermark now.

10.If you added a white background delete it before saving it as png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Beau-Ti-Ful Garv

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/21/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

~ font of choice
~4 Tubes of choice,I am using the art of Keith Garvey You must purchase a license to use his work you may get one at MPT
~A mask of choice (Around one works best)
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:Beau-Ti-Ful Beau by Creative Intuitionz
and can be purchased here:
Check out her blog here:


1.Open a paper of choice, copy it.Close the original.Open a new image,
500x500 pixels, select all and edit paste into selection.Select none.

2.Load your mask, and merge group.
Resize the mask by 85%.

3.Open your tubes of choice, I used the ones with the heart cutouts.
Use your eraser tool to erase the ribbons at the top and in the middle of the frames.
Position them as desired. Merge them together, select all, floa and defloat, now
open another paper, resize it to 350x350 pixels, go to effects and apply brush strokes
with the default settings. Copy it, go back to your tag, and paste into selection. Add a drop shadow of choice.

4.Select none, Activate your mask layer, Duplicate it and play around with the mask layers until you are happy with the efects, (I wanted mine to show through the frames)

5.Open your tubes and resize them so they will show nicely inside your frames.
Copy and paste them as new layers behind the frame layer.Use the selection tool, set to rectangle, draw a selection around the heart cutout in your first frame, invert selection. Make our tube layer actie and hit delete on your keyboard.
Repeat with the other tubes.Merge all four tubes nd add a drop shadow.

6.Open the two ribbons you are gona use, resize them and position as desired, use your selection tool or eraser tool to et rid of the ribbons that are outsie of the frames(check out my tag for reference.

7.Now open your elements resize them and paste them onto your tag, position them as desired, add a drop shadow to each.

8.Add your copywright and watermark.

9.Add your name along with any text effects you desire.I added an inner bevel nd a drop sadow.

10. save it as a png

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Special kind of Love

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/08/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

~ font of choice
~4 Tubes of choice,I am using the art of Keith Garvey You must purchase a license to use his work you may get one at MPT
~Word art of choice or the one I used:

~A mask of choice or the one I used:

~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:Purple Fantasy by Scrappy Kreations by Kel
and can be purchased here:
Check out my blog here:
~And template #12 by Simone. I cant provide you with the template but I can link you to her site.
you can download it here:


1.Open The template and shift D to duplicate it.Close the original.Delete the top layer, the one with the copywright info.

2.Add a new raster layer, and fill it with a paper, or a color to match your tube.Load the mask

and merge group.Use your deform tool to stretch the mask to the edges of your canvas but be sure not to cut off any of the edges of the mask.

3.Make the frames layer the active layer. With your magic wand click inside the first frame, you will have to click more than onceto select all of it. Expand the selection x 2. Paste one of the papers invert selection and hit delete on the keyboard.

4.Select none.Repeat on the rest of the frames.

5.paste your tubes as new layers. repeat the above steps to put the faces inside the frames.

6.Merge down the hanging ropes with the frames, colorize themmy settings were:Hue 19 and sat 126.

7.Add a black border 2 pixels, add a white border also 2 pixels. Add another border 10 pixels and make a light color to match youe tag.Add another white border 2 pixels and another black border 2 pixels.

8.grab your magic wand and click inside the colored border, go to effects, reflection effects and apply kaleidoscope:
Keep it selected and add an inner bevel:

9.Keep it slected and add noise:

10. Repeat the inner bevel. Add this drop shadow:

11.Select none.Resize your tag, mke sure all layers is checked
I resized mine so rhe width was 500 pixels.

12. Add the Copywright and Watermark, Type your name and apply the same drop shadow as before.

13. Save it as a jpeg.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/08/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:~ The Scrap kit By Urban Mermaid DesignsCan be purchaed here:http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_30&products_id=3323
you can check out her bog here:http://www.urbanmermaiddesigns.blogspot.com/
~Font of choice,
~A word art from the kit, or one of your choice,
or your favorite quote.


1. Open a new image 600x600 ~transparent.Flood fill it with white so you can better see whats going on with your tag.
2.open a paper Resize it 500x500 pixels.
3.Copy and paste The film strip tube as a new layer onto your tag.Give it a drop shadow of choice.
4.Paste your paer below the film strip tube, Use your selection tool, set to recangle to draw a selection around the filmstrip tube, go selections invert, make the paper layer
the active layer and hit delete on your keyboard.
5.Select none and merge the two layers together, rotate the layer by 20 degrees to the right.Duplicate it,
mirror it and position it as desired.
6.Add the elements of choice, resizing them and adding a drop shadow to each of them.
7.Type your name, convert to a raster layer,select all, float, defloat, modify contract x 1.
8.Add an inner bevel of choice, then add noise amount 50 monochrome and uniform ticked.
9.add the same innner bevel again. Select none and then add a drop shadow: 3,3,11,5 black.repeat the drop shadow changing the h and v to -3.
1o.Add your copywright and watermark now.
11.If you added a white background delete it before saving it as png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!Hugs,Kel

The land of OZ

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/08/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Urban Mermaid Designs
Can be purchaed here:
you can check out her bog here:
~Font of choice, Or her alpha tha is included in the scrap kit
~A word art from the kit, or one of your choice.
1. Open a new image 650x250 ~transparent.Flood fill it with white so you can better see whats going on with your tag.
2.open 5 papers resize 2 of them by 25% and the other 3 x 35% Add borders of white to each 10 pixels.
3.Copy and paste each onto your tag.use the deform tool to shape and resize them.Add a drop shadow of choice to each.
4.add the elements of choice, resize them and add a drop shadow to each of them.
5.open a doodle of choice below all the paper layers. add a drop shadow if desired.
6.choose a scripty font and type your name.
7. convert to a raster layer,select all, float, defloat, modify contract x 1.
8.Add an inner bevel of choice, then add noise amount 50 monochrome and uniorm ticked.
9.add the same innner bevel again select noneand then add a drop shadow: 3,3,11,5 black.repeat the drop shadow changing the h and v to -3.
1o.Add your copywright and watermark now.
11.If you added a white background delete it before saving it as png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Over the rainbow

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/08/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Urban Mermaid Designs
Can be purchaed here:
you can check out her bog here:
~3 Tubes of choice, Or the characters from Her add on pack. there are several add on packs that go with this kit.
~Font of choice, Or her alpha tha is included in the scrap kit
~A word art from the kit, or one of your choice.
~And a mask of choice.I used this one:
1. Open a new image 600x400 ~transparent.Flood fill it with white so you can better see whats going on with your tag.
2.Add new raster fill it with color of choice,load mask from image.merge group.
3.Copy and paste the frame as a new layer. Resize x 75% twice.Add a Drop shadow of choice. duplicate x 2, and position the three frames as desired.
4.Open the ribbon copy and paste it as a new layer, resize it and position as desired, add a drop shadow.
5.paste staples or stick pin as new layer,add drop shdow duplicate it and mirror it.position as desired.
6.paste the three characters, or your tubes of choice. as new layers.drag them below the frames.add a drop shadow, to each. with the freehand selection tool,draw a selection around the part of the tubes showing from the bottom of the first frame, make the character the active layer and hit delete.select none, and then on the same character tube, select the parts of the tube you want to be outside of the frame, on your layer pallette, right click on the character tube, and promote selection to layer,go back to the same caracter tube and hit delete move the promoted selection above the frame.so part of the tube is below the frame and part is above.
7. Repeat with the other 2 tubes and frames if using the characters from the kit,you will need to resize some of them I resized by 75% twice. you may want the tubes to be larger.
8.Add the elements, resize them and add a rop shadowto each.
9.Add the alph letters to make up your name.resize them x 85% and add a drop shadow to each of them cluster them how ever you would like.
10.Add your copywright and watermark now.
11.If you added a white background delete it before saving it as png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

I'm a lil' Angel

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/07/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~Tube of choice I used A poser by Sly, isnt she cute?!?!?!?!!!
~Font of choice
~Mura Miester-copies
~A doodle and a flower (opyional) from a scrap kit
~And a mask of choice.I used this one:
1. Open a new image 500x500 ~transparent.Flood fill it with a dark color of choice.
2.Load your msk and merge group.
3.Paste your doodle, resize it as desired, Duplicate, mirror and flip it.
4.Paste your flower,as a new layer on top of your doodle, or use your preset shapes tool to draw a shape, instead of using a flower.Duplicate it, mirror and flip it, position the doodles and shapes as desired.
5.Grab your preset shapes toolset to rectangle, f/g white, b/g set to black, stroke width set at 2.Draw a large square in the middle of your canvas.Duplicate it and resize it by 85%. Position it in the middle of Grab your magic wand and cick inside the smaller rectangle, expand you selection x 1 and fill it with a color to match your tag. Select none, merge down.Rotate it to te right
by 20 degrees.
6.Draw another rectangle(This will be the bottom rectangle.)repeat the steps above.
7.grab your magic wand and selec the inside color of one of your rectangles and apply a texture effect of your choice. I applied blinds with these settings:
8.Repeat the texture effect on the other rectangle.
9.Type "Lil' Angel. b/g black, f/g null. apply it, position it in the bottom rectangle, duplicate it and position it beside the first text layer, refer to my tag.
10.Convert those layers to raster and merge them down when you are happy with the placement of them.
11.Now type "I'm a lil' angel" very small and go to Mura Miester-copies and apply the line setting.
then go back to the same filter only use these settings:
12.Make the large rectangle your active lyer,grab your magic wand and click outside of the rectangle. ow make the tiled layer the activr layer,
Hit delete on your keyboard to get rid of the words that are outside the rectangle.
13.Paste your tube and add a drop shadow of choice.Here are my settings:
14.Add your Copywright info and watermark now.
15.Type your name, in a scripty font. b/g black, f/g null. Convert to raster.Add a white grad glow,
and then the same drop shadow from before.
16.Resize all layers by 75%
17. If you added a white background delete it before saving it as a png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!
Hugs from Kel

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bright Bubbles

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/06/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:~Tube of choice I used Ishmael Rac
You must purchase a license to use this tube. You
may purchase one at ami.
~Font of choice
~DBS Flux Bubbles (optional)
~And a mask of choice.I used this one:


1. Open a new image 600x600 ~transparent.
Flood fill it with a dark color of choice.

2.Add a new Raster layer.Flood Fill it with the same color only a medium shade.

3.Add another one and fill it with a light shade of the same color.

4.Make the top layer the active layer.Load your mask, and merge group.

5 make the middle layer active, load the same mask,
Merge group and rotate it to the right 20 degrees.

6.Make the bottom layer active and load the mask again,
merge group. and this time rotate it by 45 degrees to the right.

7. Go back to the top mask layer, and select all, selections float then selections defloat, go to effects, DBSFlux Bubbles with the default settings.select none, repeat this on the other two mask layers. (If you ont have BS Flux, just use a texture you like)

8.With your preset shapes tool,set to rounded Rectangle.Your foreground color black,background null.Stroke width set at 2,draw a rectangle,a little smaller than the mask layers.Convert it to Raster,Grab your magic wand and click inside the rectangle, expand your selection by 1 pixel,
add a new raster layer, and drag it below your rectangle. Fill the selection on the new layer with a bright color.

9.With the preset shapes and the same settings as before. draw a long, skinny rectangle, position to the side of the big rectangle, duplicate it, mirror and flip the duplicate
position all three in the middle of the mask layers, (Refer to my tag)

10Add your tube, and a drop shdow, drag it under the large rectangle, use your selecction tool to select the part you want to delete, and hit delete on your keyboard, I also had to use the eraser tool to erase the corners.

11.Add your copywright and watermark now

12.Grab you text tool, and a scripty type font
and add your text along with your favorite effects.
Add your name i used the same font just reversed the colors.

13.If you added a white background delete it before saving it as png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Friday, July 3, 2009

pink Mosaic

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 07/03/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.

It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:

~Tube of choiceI used Marjolein Gulinski

You must purchase a license to use this tube. You

may purchase one at MPT.

~Font of choice

~my zip of supplies

~And a mask of choice.I used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 9. you can download it here:
Its in the first download.


1. Open a new image 500x500 ~transparent.

2.Add a new Raster layer.Flood Fill itwith a color from your tube.

3.Go to layers, new mask layer and choose the mask from the drop down menu.Load the maskMerge group

4.Duplicate the group layer.With the duplicate layer the active layer Rotate 90 degrees, and drag it beneath the group layer.then go to effects Mosaic antique:

then go to effects again and apply mosaic glass:

5.Add a drop shadow of choiceto both mask layers,resize the top mask layer by 85%.
Lower the opacity on the original mask layer to 30. and the copy to 50.

6.Open the hearts tube, Paste the hearts as a new layer and add a drop shadow:
Duplicate it and mirror it, position the two layers around your tube till you are satisfied, it should look like a circle or oval when you are finished.

7.Paste your tube as a new layer.Add the drop shadow from before.

8.With your preset shapes tool,set to elipse.Your foreground color black,background null.Stroke width set at 2,draw a circle,a little smaller than the mask layers.While it is still a vector,Grab your text tool andyour chosen font.Move your mouse over the elipse,until you see the A with the half circle under it.Type your text and apply.

Use the nodes to position it,when happy with it,click on the + sign beside itin the layer pallette.It will open to reveal 2 layers.Hide the elipse layer.

9.Now for the gel effect on the text.I love this effect....here they are:
inner bevel:add noise Amount 39 Monochrome and uniform checked.
Then repeat the inner bevel agin and the drop shadow from before.

10.Add the bow that i have

included in the zip, and the other elements of your choice.
And a drop shadow of choice,to each element.

11.At this point Add your watermark and any copywrights that are needed.

12.if you made a white background, delete it before saving as a png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I pledge Allegiance

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 7/01/09.

Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:~Tube of choiceI used
Elias Chatzoudis You can purchase a license to use his tubes from MPT

~Round mask of choice, or the one I used :

~2 Fonts (a fat font and a scripty font) of choice
~word art or a quote of choice
~Scrap kit by Designs by Brandi
its called Stars and Stripes you can purchase her kit here:


1. Open a new image 500x500 ~

2.open a paper of choice,resize it to 500X500 pixels.
Load mask, Merge group.

3.Copy and paste it as a new layer.

4.Resize it if desired, i did x 85%.

5.paste your tube as a new layer, resize if needed.

6.Grab your dropper tool to choose a olor from your tube.

7.Click on the color in the layer pallettenote the H and S numbers, Go to adjust Hue and saturation colorize and insert those numbers.

8.Open one of the stars, resize it x 35% repeat if desired, go to adjust, add noise, amount set at 50 monochrome selected, and random selected.

9.Add an inner beve, and a drop shadow.with these settings:

10.Duplicate and resize it x 85% Duplicate the smaller star and resize it again.Position the 3 stars.Merge them so they are on the same layer.Duplicate this layer 3 times and position as desired.merge all the star layers till your happy with them,duplicate it again, and move it up slightly.
11.Now we are gonna colorize again.Colorize one star layer with the settngs you used on your maska nd choose another color from your tube to colorie the other star layer, I mae one of my layers the blue i used in the mask
and the other layer red.

12.paste the rope bow as a new layer,and rag it below yor star layers, add the same inner bevel and colorize it a color to match your tag, i did it the same blue.Add the same drop shadow.
13. Add copywright and your watermark.
14. Grab Text tool, Set fg black, stroke 2.And set the bg to a color from your Tube.Type your name, in a fat font, I used showcard gothic size 48. Convert it to a raster layer, Use your magic wand to seect inside all your letters. Contract the selection x 2 and add noise as before
and the same innner bevel.Select none and ad the same drop shadow.
15.Choose another font, set the fg null and the bg black and type "I pledge Allegiance"convert it to a raster layer and add your favorite text effects.
16.if you made a white layer delete it before saving it as a png.
Thanks for trying my tut!

Thanks for trying my tutorial!