Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blue without you

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 12/06/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through
any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9,
but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Green apple Scraps
Called Blue Christmas without you.
This kit is not for sale anymore,
However I have recieved permission to share it with you
so if you would like to download it you may do so HERE
If downloading please follow her tou and please leave a comment
I am sure she would love to read the comments.Its so generous of her to
provide this kit.
you can check out her blog HERE
~Tube of choice I used A tube by Patty Ann.
You can find it HERE.This is an awesome Forum.There is something for everyone there, When you apply to join tell them Kelli sent you
lol. If you are using her one of her tubes
Please follow her tou.Thanks!
~2 Fonts of choice
~The mask in my zip(If you know the creater of this mask
Please email me so that I can give credit. Thank you!
~The word art in my zip or one of your own

1. Open the a new image 600 x 600.Transparent.

2.Flood fill the layer with a color of your choice.I used #5089eo

3.Open a paper of choice or add a new layer and ff with a different color of choice.
4.Now go to layers and new mask layer from image
Load the mask I provided make sure invert mask is checked.Merge group.
5.Grab your selection tool set to rectangle,draw a rectangle selection in the middle of the mask layer.Refer to my tag if needed. Hit delete on your keyboard and select none.

6.Open wreath 2 Copy and paste it as a new layer below your mask layer.Resize as desired.I resized by 85%.
7.Add a drop Shadow of choice or my settings which are: V=-2,H=2,Opacity=50,Blur=5,Color Black.

8.Open another paper of choice, copy it and go back to your tag you are workng on. Grab your freehand selection tool and draw a circle on the wreath(doesnt have to be perfect) and make sure the new paper is active go to selections and invert selection and hit delete on your keyboard.
Now go to effects texture effects blinds and use your choice of setttings or here are my settings: width=7,opacity 50,color=black,horozontal checked.

9.Copy and paste the branch onto your tag just above the wreath.Add The same drop shadow you used before.Position the branch at the top of the wreath on top of the mask layer,
The branch will cover most of the bow on the wreath, see my finished tag as a reference.

10.Add your tube and copywright info now.I resized the tube x 85% twice.Add a drop shadow to the tube layer.

11.Open the christmas ornaments and resize as desired position it in her hand, use your eraser tool to erase part of the ribbon to make ot look like shes holding the ornament.

12.Now copy and paste my word art or one of your choice as a new layer. and add the shadow from before.Type your name and add the same shadow.Drag your name layer below the tube layer so it looks like her hand is resting on the name.
13.I resized my tag to 500x500 pixels.When your happy with your results,Save as a jpeg.

Thanks for trying my tut!
Id love to see your results! You can email me at
Hugs from Kel

Thursday, December 3, 2009


This tutorial was written by Kelli on 12/03/09.
And last edited on 07/25/2010.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any
kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9,
but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Ms. Witchypoo Designs
Called Forever Mini.
It Can be purchased HERE
you can check out her blog HERE
~My Supplies HERE
This zip includes the mask I used...
Sorry I do not know where I got this...
If its yours please contact me so I can give proper credit
or take it down.Thank you.It also includes the tube I used
You can check out more of her work Here.
I have included her tou so please follow it if you use this tube.
Thanks Sly!
It also includes my Word Art.
~a Font of choice


1. Open the a new image 500 x 500.Transparent.

2.Open the round frame andresize it to 500 pixels.
Copy and paste it as a new layer, resize it by 85%.Add a dop shadow of choice.My settings are 0,0,100,5,black.

3.Open the tube and resize it to 500 pixels(I always resize using smart size).Copy and paste it as a new layer, resize it again x 85%twice.You may want to harpen and add a drop shadow,
I did'nt add the shadow.

4.Now grab your freehand selection tool and select the lower half of your tube,You want it to look like she is laying inside the frame.Now go to the layer pallette and right click, promote selection to layer, Drag the promoted selection below your frame layer, Leave selected, go back to the tube layer and hit delete on your keyboard.Now you can deselect.
5.Add your copywright info now.
6.Open the mask you are using and load.If your usinf the one I provided...Make sure invert mask data isnt checked.
Merge group.

7.Now you are gonna add the elements,I have resized each to 500 pixels, copied them and then resized each starting out at 85% and repeating this resize until they were a size I liked
Sharpen each after resizing and add a drop shadow.
You can use my Word Art or if you would rather add different text
or you like another font better thats ok too.
8.Add your name in a font of choice.Add any text effects you like.

9.Merge visible, copy and paste as a new image,This will get rid of any excess canvas around your tag.
10.Save as a png.

Thanks for trying my tut!
I hope your happy with the results.
Hugs from Kel

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Be Thankful

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 12/02/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any
kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9,
but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge
of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Honored Scraps called "Harvest Time"
I am not sure where it can be purchased now
And I cant find her blog now either.
If anyone knows where you can find her blog please let me know
so I can link the tut to it.
~a Tube of choice.
I used a tube by Keith Garvey
you must purchase a license to use his work,
you can buy one at MPT
~a Font of choice

1. Open a new canvas, 500 pixels wide x 500 tall.Color of choice,
I made it white.
2.Open the tube of choice.
3.Open the round flower frames. Resize them appropriately and copy and paste them as new layers.
Position them so one is on top of the other one, but so that you can see the bottom one peeking from under the top one.
Add a drop shadow of choice to both frames.
Make the bottom one active, grab your magic wand and click inside the bottom frame. Expand the selection by 2. Add a new layer.Copy and paste your tube into selection.Select none,Lower the opacity of the tube layer that is inside your frame.I set mine at 50%.Now paste the tube again on top of both frames.
4.Now just add the elements of your choice.I added a drop shadow to each element.When you are happy with the tag.Merge all.
5.Go to image and add a border.2 pixels color of your choice, add another border this time 10 pixels, color doesnt matter. Now add another border, color of choice.
6.Grab your magic wand tool and click inside the larger border.Open a paper of choice, copy and go back to your working image paste into seection. Select none.
7.Add a few more elements on to your tag now, add your
© info also.
8.Now add your name in your choice of fonts.Add your favorite text effects.
Save as a jpeg,
Thanks for trying my tut!
I hope you are happy with your results!
Hugs from Kel