This tutorial was written by Kelli on 08/06/09.
Do not copy this tutorial or post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~ The Scrap kit By Jeannie Called :
Sunset in Montego Bay
it Can be purchased here:
you can check out her bog here:
~Font of choice
~a tube of choice, I used Domini Marco.
You need a license to use his tubes you can get one at cilm.
1. Open a new transpaent image 500x500 pixels.
2.Open the lace of your choice, resize it to 900 pixels in its largest side
then grab your crop tool and crop away all the white you can without cropping any of the lace.
Now resize it by 35%.Copy and paste it onto your new image, duplicate it and flip it,
duplicate it again and rotate it by 90degrees to the left, position it as one of the sides of your frame
duplicate it again and mirror it. now assemle your frame and then merge all 4 sides.
3.Open a paper of choice, resize it to 900 pixels,
crop and paste it as a new layer under your frame layer.
Copy and paste your tube(A close up works best)between your frame layer and paper layer.
Add a drop shadow to it.
4.Make your frame layer active, grab your magic wand, click inside your frame layer
go to selections and invert make your paer layer active and hit delete, now do the same with your
tube layer. Select none.Merge these three layers together, duplicate it,
On the original layer rotate it by 35 degrees to the right.
5.Open he flower doodle and resize it by 35%.
Copy and paste it as a new layer under your paper layer. Dupicae it and flip it, position
both laayers so one is at the top just peeking over your frame layers,
and one is at the bottom just peeking under the frame layers. now Duplicate it again.
Mirror it and move it to the side so that it is just peeking around your rotated frame.
Merge these three dooodle layers together and duplicate it.
on the original doodle layer, apply your favorie blur settting, I used the default
gausian blur.Addd a drop shadow to the duplicated doodle layer.
6.Open and resize the elements of your choice.Copy and paste
them onto your tag as desired.Add a drop shdow to each of them.
7.Add copywright info.
8.Open the alphas for our name, resize the by 35%, and add a drop shadow to each of them.
my settings are:1,-1,50,10,black.
Paste them onto your tag, position them as desired, grab your text tool
and type your name over the alphas you just added.Convert to raster layer and dd your favorite
text effects.
9.If you added a white layer as background(I do this sometimes so I can see what I'm doing sometimes).
delete it before saving as a png.
Thanks for trying my tut!
Hugs from Kel