Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Zoom Blur

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 6/30/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~Tube of choiceI used Keith Garvey You can purchase a license to use his tubes at from
~Font of choice
~VM Toolbox~ Zoom Blur
~word art or a quote of choice
~Scrap kit by Creative Intuitionz

1. Open a new image 500x500 ~ WHITE.
2.open a paper of choice,resize it to 500X500 pixels.
3.Apply vm toolbox~ Zoom Blur. with these settings:
4.Dublicate it,and Rotate the duplicate 45 degrees to the right.Merge down,.
5.go to adjust and add a radial Blur,to soften the layer, with these settings:

6.Open one of the ribbons and resize it.paste it as a new layer,duplicate it, mirror and flip it to make the frame,merge the two ribbon layers,add a light drop shadow.

7.Now add some more elements, add a light drop shadow to each of them.

8.Add your text or wor art, add your favorite text effects.

9.Paste your tube as a new layer, below the ribbon frame you made, add a drop shadow.
10.grab your magic wand and click inside the frame,expand the selection x 2invert the selection, make the tube layerthe active layer and hit delete on your keyboard.
11.Grab your text tool.make your fg null and your bg a color to match your tag,select your font,
I used pristina size set at 72. Type your name and add your favorite text effects,I added an inner bevel, then a slight grad glow and then a light drop shadow.
12.Hide the bottom layer and save it as a png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Monday, June 29, 2009


This tutorial was written by Kelli on 6/29/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~Tube of choiceI used the graphic from the kit
~Font or fonts of choice
~Scrap kit by Sassy's imagination
~you will also need my word srt, or you can make your own:


1.Open 2 papers.Shift+D to duplicate.Resize your solid paper to 600x600.

2.Grab your Rectangle tool stroke width set at 5. Make the f/g a solid color to match your tube or second paper. Draw a rectangle 100 x 500.

3.Give it this inner bevel:

and then give it thisdrop shadow:

4.Duplicate it and flip it.

5.Draw another rectangle longer and fatter than the other two.position it in the middle of your two smaller ones.Repeat the inner bevel and Drop Shadow fom before.
Merge the three rectangles ,when they are positioned like you want them.

6. Grab your Magic wand and select inside each square,
should look like this:
you can see in the screen shot that i used the raster deform tool to make the rectangle longer.

7.Expand selection x 4.Copy your second paper, this one should be a pattern of some kind,add a new raster layer and drag it below the three rectangle layer. Now, paste into selection.

8. Go to Effects, texture effects, antique mosaic (default settings)Select none.

9.Draw a large square same setings as before.

10.Repeat the inner bevel and drop shadow from before.Duplicate it,on the originalone, grab raster deform tool and stretch it till it is longer, and narrower than the top square, refer to my tag.

11.make your top square the active layer,grab the magic wand, click inside the square, expand again.

12. Add another new raster layer, paste the patterned paper into selection, drag this layer below your top square,select none merge down.

13.Make the second square layer active, repeat above, but fill it with the first paper,merge down, and selet none.

14.make bottom layer active,select all, contract x 10 invert the selection

15.Add a new layer, fill selection with color of rectangles leave selected, repeat the inner bevel and drop shadow again. select none, move this layer to the top.

16.this is what you should have now:

17Resize your tag with these settings:

18. Now just add your elements an tube, I gave them all the same drop hadow as before.

19. Be sure to add appropriate copywright.

20.Now just add the word art and your name, with the text effects you like.
I did the same inner bevel and drop shadow as before.

21. Save it as a jpeg. and your done!

Thanks for trying my tutoral!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Independance Day

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 6/21/08.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies Needed:
~Tube of choiceI used Pinuptoons You can purchase these from CILM
~Font of choice
~Eyecandy 3~Glass
~A frame of choice
~Scrap kit by Designs by Angel Dreamer
1. Open a new image 500x500 ~ WHITE.
2.Resize a paper of choice to adesired size.Paste it as a new layer.
3.Paste a frame of choice,I use of of adozi's frames.There are some awesome ones in the kit though that ya might use.Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame.Go to effects, 3-d effects, cut out:
4.Select none,Add a drop shadow of choiceto the frame layer.
5.Merge the frame andpaper layer.
6.Add your tube of choice,resize and position.Add any elements of choice,Add a drop shadow to all.
7.Add your copywright andwatermark at this time.
8.Choose a font,type your text.Add any effects of choice to the text.I used an inner bevel and then eyecandy 3 Glass.Add a drop shadow to text.
9.Hide the background layerand save as a png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Its all a Blur

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/25/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~3 tubes of choice,I am using the art of Jennifer Janesko you must purchase a license to use her art you can get one at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
~And a mask of choice.I used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 10. you can download it here:
Its in the first download.
1.Open a new image 500X500. Flood fill it white.
2.Copy and paste one of the papers as a new layer.
3.Load your mask.Merge group and then resize the mask layer X85%
4.Duplicate the mask layer,Apply a radial blur to the duplicate layer with the default settings
5.Duplicate the copy, and rotate it to the right x 20 degrees. And change the blend mode to Multiply.
6.on the original mask layer go to effects, texture effects and apply mosiac antique,using the default settings.
7.With your Preset Shapes set to rectangle.Line width 3, foreground black and Background null , draw a square, duplicate 3 timesposition as desired, see my tag if needed Merge together the 4 squares.
8.Open criss cross ribbon, resize it by 50% twice and then sharpen it.paste it onto your tag and position it in the middle of thr squares
9.paste the flower pendant as a new layer, resize it x 35% add a light grad glow, duplicate it and then mirror it. Add a light drop shadow.
10.Select all, selections float, selections defloat, then modify selections, and contract by whatever your stroke width was.apply an inne bevel or eye candy glass. Select none. Add the sme light drop shadow, that you used for your tube.
11.Open the diamond shaped gem and resize it by x 35%. Paste it onto your tag right in the middle of the 4 squares.Sharpen it once.
12.Add any other elements you would like to, resize them, and give each of them the drop shadow of choice.
13. With your selection tool, set to rectangle draw a rectangle around one of the squares,paste one of your tubes,as a new layer, invert the selection and hit delete on your keyboard. repeat with the rest of the tubes. Add a light drop shadow to each tube and one to the frame layer also.
14. Add your Copywright and watermark now.
15. Grab your text tool, Foregrund null, background black, I used kind of a scripty font, called PristinaType your name add an inner beve and the light drop shadow you have been using.And then a gad glow.Position it in the 4th square, or wherever you would like.
16.hide the bottom layer, and save it as a png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

2 Hot!

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/24/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using the art of Elias Chatzoudis You can purchase this tube at MPT

~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
A time of emotions by Shellez Creations and can be purchased here: http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1_167&sort=2a&page=1
Check out her blog here: http://shellezcreations.blogspot.com/
~And template #53 by Simone. I cant provide you with the template but I can link you to her site. you can download it Here:


1.Open The template and shift D to duplicate it.Close the original.Delete the top layer, the one with the copywright info.

2.Add a new raster layer, and fill it with black, or a color to match your kit.Make raster 8 your active layer(the Dotted rectangle)select all, selections float selections defloat, selections invert.Now make your new black layer active and hit delete on your keyboard. Merge down

3.Merge raster 7 down wih layer 5 (the Hot and the arrow layers). Open one of the papers,paste it on top of the merged layer, make the merged layer the active layer, select all, float, defloat, invert, make paper layer active and hit delete. Merge down.

4.Make copy of raster 2 layer the active layer and merge down with rasteer layer 2.Paste the same paper as a new layer, repeat the above steps, merge down.Continue to do this untill all the template layers are filled.Merging down as you go so you dont end up with double layer.

5.Paste your tube and resize if needed. I resized mine x 115 % make sure all layers is unchecked.

6.Click on the bottom white layer an select all, go selections and inver.Now make your paper layers active and hit delete on your keyboard.Continue doing this until you have done all the layers, this will get rid of the parts of the paoer that you cant see.

7.Add your Copywright and your watermark.

8.Add the default drop shadow to layers 6 and copy of raster 6.

9.Grab your text tool, and your chosen font, type 2 2 b 4gotten.position it around the word hot that is already there. once happy with the positioning. Add an inner bevel, and a light drop shadow then repeat the shadow, changing the h and v to minus what you used before.then add a light grad glow

10.Add the same bevel to the arrow layer and the same grad glow.

11. Add the jewel elements resized to pretty small, Sharpen them, add a drop shadow.Merge them together, position them as desired,I duplicated them and then flipped them and coninued doing this until I had 4 sets.Position them as desired.

12.Add one of the doodle under the last of the template layers, duplicate it once, mirror and flip it, position it as desired.

13.Resize X75%, All layers Checked.Crop away any excess canvas from around your tag. But be sure you dont crop any of the shadow.
Hide the bottom white layer and save as a png.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Heart 2 Heart

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/24/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using the art of Michael Landefeld
You can purchase this tube at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
~And a mask of choice.I used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 1. you can download it here: http://www.sophisticatsimonepsptutorials.com/Masks-Downloads/masks.html
Its in the first download, of course lol
1.Open a new image 600x600. Flood fill it white.
2.Open one of your papers and resize it to 600x600. Copy and pase it as a new layer.
3.Load your mask.Merge group and then resize the mask layer X75%
4.Open the pink flowers and resize hem by 75%, copy and paste them as a new layer, resize again if needed.add a drop shdow of choice, position in the lower right corner, duplicate it and go image mirror andthen image flip, so its in the upper left corner.
5.Paste your tube as a new layer and resize it as desiredAdd a light drop shadow of choice.
6.Add the elements of choice, resize and position as desired.add a drop shadow to each of them.
7.Add your Copywright and your watermark.
8.Make your tube layer active, go to effects, plugins, eyecandy, grad glow and add a small white glow to your tube.
9.Grab your text tool, and your chosen font, I used Times new romance, size 60. stroke width 2. Make your foeground color a darkone , that matches your tag, and make the background color a lighter shade of the foreground color.Tpe your text,then convert to raster.
10.Select all, selections float, selections defloat, then modify selections, and contract by whatever your stroke width was.apply an inner bevel or eye candy glass. Select none. Add the same light drop shadow, that you used for your tube.
11.Now add the same grad glow as before.
12.Resize X75%, All layers Checked.Crop away any excess canvas from around your tag. Hide the bottom white layer and save as a png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Red, White & Beautiful

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/23/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~font of choice
~Tube of choice,I used a Jessica Dougherty Tube you must purchase a license to use her art.
You can get one at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
America the Beautiful by Tootsie's Creationz and can be purchased here: http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_125&products_id=3244
~And a mask of choice.I
used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 19. you can download it here: http://www.sophisticatsimonepsptutorials.com/Masks-Downloads/masks.html
its in the second set of masks.
1. open a new image 500x500. Flood fill it white.
2.Open a paper of choice. I used paper tc_40, now resize it to 500X500, copy and paste it onto your new image.
3.Load your mask , Merge group. Resize the mask layer X 85%
4.Duplicate mask,on original mask layer go blur~Gausian blur set at 50 on duplicated mask layer add a drop shadow with these settings -2,2,30,2, blk.
5.Now just add the elements of choice, resize them and add a drop shadow to each of them.
6.Add your tube and Copywright.
7.Make the original mask layer the active layer, copy and paste it as a new layer,take your crop tool and crop the new image so that only the very middle is there, for best results,make it about 150 pixels.8.Make your top layer the active layer. Grab your text tool, choose your font, and in your foreground box, make it pattern set to the image you just croped, it should be the first one in the drop down box. I set the angle to 45,but thats up to you. Set the stroke width to 2, and make the background color black. Type your quote, convert it to Raster layer.
9. Go to selections and select all, selections float and then defloat, now go to selections and modify your selection by contracting it by 2 (The stroke width).
10. add an inner bevel of choice, select none.now add a drop shadow, my settings were:-2,2,30,2, black then repeat it only changing it to 2-,2,30,2, black.
11. grab your text tool again, make your foreground color null, keep the background black, type your name, convert toa raster layer, position it as desired, and lastly go o effects, 3-D effects, buttonize wth the default settings. I resized all layers X 75%.
Save it as a JPEG.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Goth Lover

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/21/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.

This is a very simple tut and requires no outside filters. so if your looking for a quick psp fix...this is the tut for you. lol
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental. This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

~font of choice
~Tube of choice,I just used one of the posers that was included in the kit
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Goth Lover by Tootsie's Creationz and can be purchased here: http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_125&products_id=3003
Check out her blog here: http://tootsiescreationz.blogspot.com/?zx=6d5d5ef050661b85
~And a mask of choice.
I used one from Masks by Simone. I cant provide you with the mask but I can link you to her site. I used Mask number 12. you can download it here: http://www.sophisticatsimonepsptutorials.com/Masks-Downloads/masks.html
its in the first set of masks.


1. open a new image 500x500. Flood fill it white.

2.Open a paper of choice. Copy and paste it as a new layer on your new canvas.

3.Load your mask , Merge group.

4.Add a border of 2 pixels, color white.add another one 10 pixels make this border a light color of choice. Add anoother border of 2 pixels color white again.Now Grab your magic wand and select the middle border, go to effects, reflection effects and select Kaleidoscope with the default settings. Deselect.

5.Now just add the elements of choice, add a drop shadow to each of them.

6.Add your tube and Copywright.

7.Add your name and your favorite text effects.

Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Love Bestowed

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/10/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using the art of Jennifer Janesko
You can purchase this tube at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Lacy Days by Ice Princess Scrapz and can be purchased here:
Check out her blog here: http://iceprincessfl.blogspot.com/
1. open a new canvas 700x700~transparent. Flood fill it white.
2.open a frame and paper of your choice, paste them as new layers onto your canvas.
3.Make your frame layer the active layer, Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame layer.Expand your selection X 6 pixels. now invert the selection, make your paper layer active now and hit delete n your keyboard,Do not deselect yet.
4.Paste your tube or image as a new layer, below your frame layer,Position it as desired, When happy with it, hit delete again, getting rid of the excess tube.Now you can deselect.Add a drop shadow of choice to the frame layerGo back to the paper layer, Duplicate it and activate the original paper layer, go to adjust, add blur with these settings:
5.Now resize that layer X 105% twice.Duplicate that layer and rotate ithe duplicate layer X 90 degrees to the right
6.On the original paper layer, add your favorie texture effect and change the blend mode to multiply.Merge the paper layers.
7.Add the elements of choice, resizing them as desired, I resized X 60%, then sharpened them and added a drop shadow to each of them.
8.Add your Copywright and watermark now, so you dont forget.
9.Grab your text tool and the font you have chosen, and type a saying of your choice, then add this drop shadow:
10.Now add your name along with any effects you would likeI added this innner bevel:
then I added the drop shadow above.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Red Noise

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/13/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~fonts of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using A poser tube by a friend.
feel free to join this group:http://escapefromrealityefr.com/index.php
it is an awesome group an you can fnd lots of Sly's tubes there.
Just tell the Kel sent ya lol.
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
~And a mask of choice, or the one i used:
1. open a new image 500x500. Flood fill it white.
2.Open a paper of choice resize it to 500X500. Copy and paste it as a new layer on your new canvas.
3.Load your mask , Merge group.And resize the mask layer to the desired size.
4.Duplicate the mask layer twice, go to adjust and add noise to the mask layer amount @33, Gausian and monochrome ticked.Apply noise with these settings to the other two mask layers, only increasing the amount by 3 on each layer.
5.Open your frame of choice, crop away the excess canvas from around your frame, resize it as desired, grab your magic wand and click on the grey parts of your frame, fill it with color, paper of your choice, i used a black and red gradient.Add an inner bevel while still selected.now deselect. and add a drop shadow of choice. Copy and paste it onto your working canvas, Rotate it X 12 degrees to the right.
6.Add the elements of choice, resize and position as desired.
7.add your text or tube to a new layer. Drag it under your frame layer.
8.Add your tube, resize and position, add a drop shadow.
9.Add your Copywright, and watermark at this time.
10. Now its time to animate, Hide the top two mask layers.Copy merged then paste it into animation shop. Go back to psp and hide the first mask layer, unhide the middle mask layer,copy merged and go back to animation shop and paste it after current layer. Go back to animation shop and hide the middle mask layer, and unhide the third mask layer, copy merged and and go back to animation shop and paste it after current frame.
12.Still in animatiion Shop go to edit and select all, now go to animatiion and change the frame properties to 15.
View animation and save.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Sassy One

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 06/06/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using the art of Joel Adams
You can purchase this tube at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Have grape wil travel by Sassy's Imagination and can be purchased here:http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_74&products_id=3163
~And a round mask of choice or the one I used:
1. open a new image 500x500. Flood fill it white.
2.Add a new raster layer and fill it with a color to match your tube or paste one of the papers as a new layer
3.Load your mask making sure to check the invert box.Merge group and then resize the mask layer X75%
4.Duplicate the mask layer twice, go to your plugins and choose Eye Candy 5 the brushed metal filter with the vinyl record effect, using these settings:
apply to the first mask layer.
Apply the effect to the other mask layers only hit random seed once each time.
5.Paste your tube as a new layer and resize it as desiredAdd a drop shadow of choice.
6.Add the elements of choice, resize and osition as desired.I added noise to a few of the flowers.
7.To add noise, Duplicate the layer twice, so you have 3 layers.Make the first layer activeUse your magic wand or selection tool to select the part you would like to add noise to.go to adjust, add noise with these settings or play around with settings of your choice:
8.use the same settngs on the other 2 layers, only increase the amount X 3 on each layer.Or use the setings of your choice.9.Grab your text tool and the font you have chosen, and type "Sassy one". Convert it to raster layer, apply any text effects you like I used an inner bevel and a drop shadow. Position it as desired.Then type"Stylish &". Convert it to a raster layer and apply the same text effects. position it as desired, I rotated X90 degrees, to the right.Next type "Chic" and again convert it to taster and apply the same text effects and position it as desired.
10. add your Copywright and your watermark.
11. Now its time to animate, Hide the top two mssk layers and also the top two noise layers.and Copy merged then paste it into animation shop. Go back to psp and hide the first mask layer, unhide the middle mask layer, also hide the first noise layer and unhide he middle noise layer, copy merged and go bsck to animation shop and paste it after current layer. Go back to animation shop and hide he middlle layers, and unhide the third layers, copy merged and and go back to animation shop and paste it after current frame.
12.Still in animation Shop go to edit and select all, now go to animatiion and change the frame properties to 20.
View animation and save.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!


This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/13/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 12, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

~ font of choice,
~Tube of choice,I am using the art of Keith Garvey
You can purchase this tube at MPT
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Check out thier blog here:http://dezinersutopia.blogspot.com/


1. open a new image 500x500. Flood fill it white.

2.paste your tube as a new layer, resize it as needed, I used these settings:

3.grab your Selection tool, you can use whatever shape you want, I chose star 2.Draw a large selection around your tube, paste a paper of choice below your tube layer,go to selections and invert the selection, make sure you paper layer is active, hit delete.

4.Invert the selection again and modify x 5 pixels.
Now go to effects~artistic Effects~Brush Strokes with these settings:

now you can deselect.go to effects~edge effects and enhance.

5.Duplicae the star layer, and resize it using these the same settings as before.

6.Duplicate the copy and resize the new duplicated layer.Merge all three star layers.Now duplicate the star layer again and rotate it to the right x 40 degrees Duplicate the rotated layer and rotate it again with the same settings,merge the star layers again.Duplicate it and on the original layer, go to effects~Artistic effects~Chrome with the default settngs.
7.On the Duplicated layer, resize it x 85%, and merge the star layers agian.Duplicate the star layer again and resize the duplicated layer x 85% again.
8.now give your bottom star layer and your tube layer this drop shadow:
9.add elements of choice and give them each the above drop shadow or one of your choice.
10. add your Copywright and your watermark.
11. Add your name and any text effects you desire.Hide your bottom layer and save as a png your done.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

With Love

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/12/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 12, but should work using any version. It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
Supplies:~ font of choice
~Tube of choice I used art by Elias Chatzoudis
You can purchase this tube at MPT
~mask:~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Check out her blog here:http://staceysdesigns.blogspot.com/
1. open the mask, and minimize it for now.
2.Depending on how many hearts you want(I did 4).Open the papers you want...I chose 2 pink and 2 red.go to layers~new mask layer~from image, and load the heart mask or one of your choice,once its loaded merge group and repeat this step on the rest of your chosen papers.
3.Copy and paste these hearts onto a new image (700x700 White).Add this drop shadow to each mask layer after pasting it on the new image:
4.Resize each of the mask layers,(I did them x 75% twice).Then rotate each one x 20 degrees.then play around with the positioning of them.
5.Open the pink and red heart frames, resize them like you did the mask layers.Paste them as a new layer and position them as desired,Add this drop shadow:
6.resize and paste the elements of choice, adding the above drop shadow to them, Add your tube and the same drop shadow.
7.Add your © and watermark.
8.Type your name and add the effects you desire.
9.Hide the background layer and save it as a png and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Lavendar and Lilac's

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/11/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 12, but should work using any version. It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice, I used art by Keddy Davis You can purchase this tube at MPT
~A frame of choice
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Bling in the new year by Sassy's Imagination and can be purchased here:http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_74&products_id=1487
1. Open your frame of choice.
2.grab your magic wan set to add/shift, ckick inside your frame,expand your selection by 2,add a new layer and drag it under your frame layer.Paste a paper of choice into selection.select none.
3.paste tube of choice as a new layer and put it under the frame layer and above the paper layer.
4.If desired, add a drop shadow of choice to the frame layer, add a shadow to the tube layer now if desired.
5.Add any elements you desire now and apply the same drop shadow that you used before.
6.Add your © and watermark.
7.Add quote of choice, and any text effects you desire
8.Type your name and add the effects you desire.
9.Hide the background layer and save it as a png and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Lets Beeeee Friends

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/10/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 12, but should work using any version. It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using Keith Garvey You can purchase these tubes at MPT
~Mask of choice, or the one I used:
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:Lets Beeeee Friends by
Check out her blog here:http://hornyroo.blogspot.com/
1. Open a new image500x500 Color of choice(I used white, so I could see what I was doing.lol).
paste a paper of choice as a new layer.
2.Load mask , merge group.now go to effects and texture effects and apply antique moasic twice.
3.Paste frame of choice as a new layer, Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame, go to selectionsand modify~expand by 4 pixels.
4.Paste your tube of choice as a new layer and go to selections and invert.Now making sure your tube layer is active,hit delete on your keyboard. Select none.
5.Add a drop shadow to your tube and then position as desired.Add any elements you desire now and apply the same drop shadow that you used before.
6.Paste several more tubes from the same artist adding a drop shadow to each individually, resize them as needed.
7.Add your © and watermark.
8.Add your name and any other text you would like.
9.grab your preset shapes tool set to elipse, background null, draw a circle the same size of your frame layer,now grab your text tool and type a quote of your choice.Now on your layer pallette, click the little plus sign beside your vector layer,and hide the elipse layer.Convert the vector layer to raster.Add the effects of choice.
10.Hide the background layer and save it as a png and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Hearts and Flowers

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/10/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice
~Tube of choice,I am using Big Chris You can purchase this tube at MPT
~Mask of choice, or the one I used:
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:Valentine Baby created by


and can be purchased here:

1. Open a new image500x500 Color of choice(I used white, so I could see what I was doing.lol).
paste a paper of choice as a new layer.
2.Load mask of choice, merge group.
3.Paste frame of choice as a new layer, Grab your magic wand and click inside the frame, go to selectionsand modify~expand by 4 pixels.
4.Paste another paper as a new layer and go to selections and invert.Now making sure your paper layer is active,hit delete on your keyboard to get rid of the excesss paper. Select none.
5.Add a drop shadow to your frame layer and then merge the frame layer and paper layer.position as desired.Add any elements you desire now and apply the same drop shadow that you used before.
6.Paste your tube as a new layer, resize as needed and apply a drop shadow.
7.Add your © and watermark.
8.Add your name and any other text you would like.
9.Apply any text effects you desire.
10.Hide the background layer and save it as a png and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Nature Rocks!

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/05/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version. It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice,
~Tube of choice,I am using Caron Vinson
You can purchase this tube at CILM
~Mask of choice (or the one I used:
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Nature Calls created by Creations by Jeannie and can be purchased here:

Check out her blog here:
1. Open a new image500x500 Color of choice (I used white, so I could see what I was doing.lol).add a new layer and fill it with a color of choice.
2.Load mask, merge group.
3.paste the round flower frame and use your raster deform tool to make it the shape you want, I wanted it to fit nicely around the mask layer.
4.Add your elements of choice and add a drop shadow to each.
5.Position them as desired.I put some below the frame layer and some above.Its completely up to you.
6.Paste your tube as a new layer, resize as needed and apply a drop shadow.
7.Add your tube and © and watermark.
8.Add your name and any other text you would like.
9.Apply any text effects you desire.
10.Hide the background layer and save it as a png and your done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

Cool Chick

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 02/04/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own. Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.
~ font of choice,
~Tube of choice,
I am using pin up toons You can purchase this tube at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
Fairy Dreams in the Winter
by Urban Mermaid Designsand can be purchased here:
You can check out her Blog here:
1. Open a new image500x500 White.Paste your paper of choice as a new layer.
2.Paste a frame of choice as a new layer and resize as needed.
3.With your magic wand, click inside the frame, go to selections and expand it by 2 pixels.
4.Add a new layer and drag it below the frame layer,paste a paper of choice into the selection on the new layer.
5.Leave it selected and add another new layer,go to 3-D effects ~ Cutout:
6.leave it selected and go to image, rotate the whole image X 90 Degrees twice.
7.Add another new layer and repeat the cut out.
9.Add your tube and © and watermark, and a drop shadow of choice to the tube,
I used these settingw:
10. Add elements of choice and the same drop shadow to each element.
11. When you are happy with your tag, go to image and add a border,1pixel in a dark color of choice, I used black.
Now add another border of 5 pixels a light color from your tube,add another 1 pixel border the same color as your first one.
12. With your magic wand click inside the light border and apply any effects you would likeI did this inner bevel:
13.Add your name and the text effects you desire. And you are done!
Thanks for trying my tutorial!

x's and O's

This tutorial was written by Kelli on 01/10/09.
Do not copy this tutorial and post through any kind of group or claim it as your own.
Resemblance to any other tutorial is strictly coincidental.
This tutorial was written using psp 9, but should work using any version.
It is written assuming you have a basic knowledge of PSP and its tools.

I used Eyecandy 4000 grad glow
~ fat Font of choice, I used Fatso
~Mask that I used
(If this is yours please let me know and I will give you credit or take it down):

~Tube of choice,I am using art by OliviaYou can purchase this tube at CILM
~Scrap kit of choice or the one I used:
by Sinful Jades Creations it is called:Sweet heart and can be purchased here: http://sweetnsassydigiscrappers.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_130&products_id=1617
You can check out her Blog here:

1. Open a new image 600x600 White.
2.Grab your text tool and find your chosen font I used one
called Fatso. Line width set to 5. F/g color a dark color of choice and the background null.Type your name. Convert to raster.
3.Click inside each letter, modify expand x 3 and paste a paper of choice as a new layer.invert selections and make sure your paper layer is the active layer and hit delete on your key board to get rid of all the excess paper.
4.Now make your name outline the active layer and duplicate it,Drag the duplicated layer below the paper layer.On the top layer (name outline) apply eyecandy 4000 grad. glow with these settings
The color tab:
and the basic tab:5.Now give the layer this drop shadow:
6.Now we will work on the duplicated name layer,go to eyecandy impact and choose the extrude filter with these settings:
7.you can use a texture effect on this layer if desired.I used penta color dot with these settings:
8.Now go back to the top name outline, click on, only the outline with your magic wand
Once all the letters outilines are seleted go to effectes, texture effects and choose a texture of your choic,I used these settings:Repeat this step and then go to edge effects and enhanceSelect none.
9.Add your tube and © and watermark.I applied this drop shadow
to the tube and the elements in my tag:
10. make the bottom white layer the active layer and paste your paper layer again as a new layer.Apply your mask and merge group.
11. Apply the elements of choice, and the same drop shadow as used in step 9 or your choice of shadow12.
Hide the bottom white layer and save as a png.
Thanks for trying my tutorial!